Thursday, July 9, 2009

Food for Pigeons


There are many types of cereals, pulses and seeds that pigeons eat. A balanced diet is very important. Pigeons should be fed twice a day. Below is a list of food that a pigeon can eat.


Fresh water is a must and should be provided at all times. A plastic covered drinker can be used and change of water in the drinker once to thrice daily so that it is clean. Water can be even provided in each individual cages. For that an earthen pot which allows the water to stay cool is ideal where the climate is very hot.


Grit is important for a good digestive system in pigeons. Commercial grit is not available in many cities, so pigeons can be given oyster shells broken into pieces, crushed egg shells, red brick bits and charcoal bits. Oyster shells contain a good amount of calcium which helps the the pigeons to have strong bones and firm eggs. Red brick bits are very helpful for the digestive system of the pigeon. One should note that when sick pigeons are treated with tetracycline, any form of grit should be avoided because it binds up with the medicine and prevents the use of it.


Minerals are necessary in pigeons diet. Oyster shells and Egg shells contain a good amount of minerals, calcium and phosphorus which help the pigeons to be healthy and strong. Pigeons should eat grit mixture, so they get the mineral supplement.


Vitamins should be given to weak birds. Care should be taken to avoid overdose as pigeons get a handful amount of vitamins from the feed they eat. Vitamins A, B, C and E are commonly used.


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